Thursday, September 27, 2007

Summer and Other Fun Times

Okay, a lot to update here. I'll just do a quick synopsis since the last time I posted, which was obviously quite a few months ago. We went camping, I started classes over the summer (YUCK!) then finished them with flying colors and as a treat, Chloe and I went and visited all our family and friends out in Utah! Craig had to work, so he stayed behind and I had a good time visiting with my side of the family- and my good friend Bonnie, whom I haven't seen in ages! Chloe had a good time frolicking with her little boy Tanner, and it was great for me to finally meet him too! Came home, spent a week sort of trying to calm down while my fall semester engines started revving up. Started classes again and then went back to the old schedule of waking up, trying to get things done super early before Chloe wakes up, fail at that, rush Chloe into a changed diaper and new clothes after she wakes up, feed her a quick breakfast, try to spend a few minutes with her before I kiss her goodbye for the morning and send her next door to grandma's while I gather all my things together and leave for school unshowered and halfway prepared for my schoolwork, come home as quick as I can and get some things done while Chloe is napping, fail at that, then throw dinner together and spend the rest of the evening enjoying my time with my family instead of doing my homework. I can't wait until I graduate, let me just say that!! Other than that, we're all doing great! Craig celebrated his 24th birthday and is starting another soccer season. He's also been fixing odds and ends around the house (many thanks to him for finally putting a fan in our bathroom while Chloe and I were in Utah!!!). Since school started he's sort of been the maid of the house, cleaning up after Chloe and my messes, and been pretty patient about it all things considered, which Chloe and I are very thankful for. Shortly after we got back from Utah, Chloe finally learned how to crawl on all fours instead of her seal flop she used for getting around, and she pulls herself up on EVERYTHING, finally discovering that she can move and explore. We're pretty sure she knows what "Dada" means now and she likes to say "Uh-oh" in her little baby way whenever she drops a toy ("Oh-ohhhhh"). It's quite cute actually. And just this mornign she climbed all the way up our big staircase unassisted! I was so proud of her, and she didn't seem to understand why I was so excited...Anyway, there are a million other things I should be doing right now that I'm not, so I better get on that. Enjoy the photos! Much love to all...


Tiffany April 21, 2008 at 9:08 PM  

I didn't know you guys had a blog! I'm going to add you to my friends so I can keep up on your adorable little fam! Chloe is so cute!

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